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Rebekah and Aaron got married at Laura Chapel Baptist Church in May of 2016. Laura Chapel Baptist Church is a small church in Patterson, Ga. Never heard of Patterson? Neither had I... It is located in the middle of nowhere in south Georgia near the Okefenokee Swamp. The drive down there was long, but the change in scenery was worth the effort. South Georgia has a certain charm to it that is hard to see anywhere else... The soil is sandy, the pine trees are numerous, and the gnats are overwhelming. Also there's Spanish moss- so that's nice. Rebekah and Aaron met in school and quickly fell in love. They decided to get married in Patterson since that was where Aaron grew up. It would have been very hard to do the wedding where Rebekah grew up since her parents are missionaries and she grew up in Guinea (country located in west Africa). Both Aaron and Rebekah intend to enter the mission field after school.

Rebekah's dress was very unique because one of her missionary friends actually made it for her out of traditional African cloth. After Rebekah got dressed, we went outside for a first-look. Both Rebekah and Aaron decided to do a first look in order to do as many of the family photos prior to the ceremony as possible. It was awesome to see Aaron's reaction upon seeing Rebekah in her dress... You could just see the excitement while they were around each other. After the couple's photos, we finished nearly all of the family photos prior to the ceremony. The wedding ceremony started with the sound of an African horn made out of water-buffalo horn. The ceremony was beautiful with unique songs, two sermons, and a special prayer said by the bride's father. The prayer was said in Poular (regional language in Africa), while Rebekah had to fight back tears... At the end of the wedding ceremony, Rebekah and Aaron shared their first ever kiss. It was amazing. After the ceremony, we did a few more photos of the couple before heading into the reception for the first dances. All of the dances were awesome. Rebekah and Aaron meet with all of their guest following the dances (people came from all of the world to celebrate the big day). They even had a special map that people could sign, showing where they came from to see the wedding. The map would later go into the couple's new home. After the cake cutting, the reception was coming to an end. Rebekah tossed her bouquet from the church porch into the crowd and Aaron tossed a Frisbee into the crowd in place of the garter. Both went through the sea of bubbles to an old truck that was waiting on them to make their getaway.

6 Hours Coverage at Laura Chapel Baptist Church